Eknowledge sat act prep courses powerprep

The schedule, syllabus, and tracking mechanisms contained in the program help your student to efficiently study in an organized and effective manner. We know the primary benefit of an expensive live program is the fact that a teacher watches over the progress and tracks the student.

Our system simulates that same approach. As a parent or someone interested in your student's progress, you can track what they have done. The program allows the student to track progress electronically within the program or on the paper syllabus that can be printed out tacked to the refrigerator and marked. It provides great Sunday dinner conversation. It's a tried and proven method of tracking progress!

The program breaks down into 120 lessons and 122 drills. You will easily track how your student is progressing.

1. Print Outline
2. Watch Lecture (take notes) & Answer Practice Questions

Reminder: Do Practice Questions one at a time listen and read explanatory answer before moving on to next question. Put a question mark (?) next to any question not completely understood and we'll talk about those.

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