Build Your Own Robot Free Printable

Build Your Own Robot! A free printable set of robot parts for playing and creating!

When Morgan was around about three he fell in love with robots… or ‘lobots’ as he called them back then.

It’s comforting and also slightly surreal that as Noah approaches three he is also a tad obsessed with robots… or ‘wobots’ as he calls them.

Noah makes robots out of Lego and has begun to label all his drawings as ‘wobots’ and he adores the book ‘That’s Not My Robot’.

Following his interest in robots I thought I might make him some for the felt board, but then I remembered I had stashed away some printable magnet paper and I knew exactly what I would do with it – a build your own robot set!

Build Your Own Robot! A free printable set of robot parts for playing and creating!

A little time spent creating robot parts, some more time cutting them out and then lots of time having fun on the bottom of the fridge.

Build Your Own Robot! A free printable set of robot parts for playing and creating!

Ok, I confess, I love these little guys almost as much as Noah does and I can’t wait for the big kids to come home and discover them!

Build Your Own Robot! A free printable set of robot parts for playing and creating!

You can download the build your own robot pdf here. Then all you have to do is print, cut and play. If you don’t have printable magnet paper you could cut up old magnets and stick them to the back of each piece, or this would be fun made from regular paper and used kind of like a puzzle on a tray.

Build Your Own Robot! A free printable set of robot parts for playing and creating!


If you like robots then check out our free printable robot drawing prompts too!


Read the comments or scroll down to add your own:

  1. Lisha says

LOVE these – sharing on my parenting page later this month as part of a month-long Celebration of Crafts, Creativity & Connections special. Would love to have you and your fans join us for our parenting tidbits and tips, we feature a new theme every month!! See you there. :-)

Hi!thankyou so much for your creative boys love this so much!we’ll waiting for next boyz project from u.

Great idea!

I love, love, love this post. I run a geek parenting blog and i would be love for you to share this post on one of my linky parties. Im currently doing a 30 day a-z raising a geekling series. Here is a link in case you are interested in sharing: Cheers.

These are really cute and I love the idea of using magnetic paper or old magnets. Thanks for making the pdf available. (Added to a robot roundup I did) Have a lovely day. ~Sheila

Thank you so much, these are so cute! I don’t have magnetic paper, so I think I will laminate it and use the magnet tape I have!

Is there any way to print them black and white so I can color my self. Only have a black and white printer and it prints them all black. :-(

You could try changing the print setting to print in grey scale… but they would still come out in shades of grey rather than outlined I’m afraid.

some printers have a “outline” or “coloring book” setting. or you can upload the file into Paint or some other similar program (even Power Point maybe?) and play around with the settings in there. It might do a “negative” image for you, creating outlines that are not colored in (the background would be all colored in then, but you don’t care about that, you’re cutting them out anyway)

This is SO awesome! My boys absolutely love this… heck, I love it! Would you consider doing a more girly version of this same idea? Like a paperdoll, but with just as many mix-and-match pieces to inspire creativity. Thank you!

Thank you! These will be a wonderful activity for my son’s 5th birthday party! Thanks a lot! Great printable!


[…] de animales de origami / 15. Marionetas de monstruos y hojas para escribir /colorear / 16. Construye un robot con imanes / 17. Imprimibles + DIY para hacer láminas metálicas y colocar pompones / 18. No os perdáis la […]

Kids Activities - Shape Stickers, Lego Men & Robots says:

[…] This was definitely the winner of the week, and was hugely effective at snapping LF#1 out of a really foul mood! I discovered this free printable from Picklebums, which is a great site for kids activity ideas and printable resouces. This one involved cutting out lots of robot heads, bodies, arms and legs and letting the Little Frogs put together their own robots by sticking the parts together on paper. We just did the basic version of this, but the advanced version is to print on magnetic paper (such a thing exists. ) and then the pieces can be used as fridge magnets which sounds amazing! Again this activity was really more for LF#1, who got really excited about choosing the colours and all the possible different combinations of legs/wheels/buttons etc. But LF#2 happily joined in too and proudly ran round the room with his robot picture going “Wow!” when he’d finished! LF#1 is already asking when we can do this again so I’ll definitely be adding this to our list of favourite activities! Download the Build Your Own Robot Printable here. […]

Really Rockin' Robot Roundup » Brain Power Boy says:

[…] Build your Own Robot printable (free) from PickleBums. Parts and pieces to put together to make your own robot. Print on paper, or on magnetic paper for some fridge fun. […]

Adventures in Tot Schooling | Feeling and Feelings says:

[…] I also finally swapped out the magnets on our dishwasher. We now have some great mix and match robot building magnets, courtesy of a fantastic printable. […]

Robot Drawing Prompts - Free Printable says:

[…] played with the magnet robots we made for a while, but we’ve lost a few pieces and he was getting frustrated… so I […]

12 Super Last Minute Printable Gifts for Kids! - says:

[…] Build your own Robot – this is just as much fun printed on plain paper as it is on magnet paper! […]